About David LaVine

David does no-fluff inbound marketing for engineering / software development services companies. He has a BS in Electrical Engineering from RPI, an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech, and a Certificate in Marketing Strategy from Cornell.
Marketer | Engineer-whisperer

Sales Leads for B2B services – FAQ

Sales Leads for B2B services - FAQ This FAQ is focused on small (less than ~100 employees) companies that provide B2B services (e.g. software development, engineering, etc). What are the different categories of leads I should be thinking about? While there’s no universal precise definition for different types

Inbound marketing FAQ for B2B services

Inbound marketing FAQ for B2B services Just starting to think about inbound marketing? Below are answers to some foundational questions. This FAQ is geared toward the B2B world (software development, engineering services, etc), but much of it applies generally as well. Why does inbound marketing fail? Inbound

Pros and cons of content marketing

Pros and cons of content marketing For B2B services companies. Content marketing seeks to provide useful information, where the long term goal is to be so helpful that people trust you enough to want to do business with you. Pause. Re-read that first sentence. Content marketing has

Tired of traditional sales methods?

Tired of traditional sales methods? Inbound & content marketing might help Why? Content marketing: you may appreciate content marketing because it helps you be more useful and less annoying to your potential customers. Inbound marketing: you may like inbound because it totally flips the selling scenario around. Instead

Pros and Cons of Inbound Marketing

Pros and Cons of Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing is a method that focuses on trying to position yourself ahead of when someone (a potential customer or customer) has a need, so that when they do, they can find you. This approach primarily leverages search marketing and content marketing.

Digital Marketing for IT companies

Digital Marketing for IT services Marketing IT services is challenging. The sales cycle is long and complex, the sales price is high, and you’re selling services more so than products. Here’s what you want to keep in mind for digital marketing in your small/medium-sized IT company: You need to build

Why your Marketing Machine is Broken

Why your Marketing Machine is Broken This article applies to small B2B services companies with a complex sale (e.g. IT, engineering, software development companies). Some marketing sucks. Why? Because it’s ineffective. Let’s make sure we’re on the same page. Here’s what I think your marketing should